Ask the BellHunters

Hello, I'm Dawn, formerly Dawn Bellwether if you didn't recognize the added surname. And before you ask, yes 'that' Dawn Bellwether. Ex-Assistant Mayor, Ex-Mayor, Ex-Criminal Mastermind (Reformed thank you very much), City Savior, Controversial Author, and Predator/Prey relationship advocate. I'm also, as you probably guess by the hyphenated last name, married, and happily so to my mate Vernon Hunter, a gray wolf. I'm also a mother to three wonderful pups, something I never thought I'd ever have the chance to be! But, lamb sakes, I've gushed enough about myself here without explaining exactly what this blog is for. You see, after the release of my book “Predator Seeking Prey”, our little family started to get a lot of public attention again, and with it came a lot of question from curious mammals and other pred/prey couples from all over Animalia. My best friend and mate Vernon thought it would be a good idea to deal with these questions directly by opening a sort of blog/forum and taking those questions about our lives directly. Since then, I'd like to say our little blog has been quite successful, with even members of our family and friend circle pitching in and taking a few questions as well. So with all that said., please feel free to Ask Away!

Oh, and also, feel free to check our old location for previous asks until we can get a better archive system in place!

The original Ask Dawn And Vern Tumblr! This blog is a continuation/reboot of the "AskDawnAndVern" tumblr, as I am permanently locked out of the Tumblr at present.

(Blog Author Note: This blog is based on the fanfiction “The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether” as well as it's pseudo-sequel “A Lamb Among Wolves”. If you haven't read them, it'll probably help you better understand what's going on here if you do. I'll link both stories below. Oh Also, I'm open to questions as well. Simply direct “Author” emails to “WastedTime” when composing them. And before I forget, I have a Patreon! Five dollars gets you access to in progress fics, Ask priority, and art previews of both SFW and NSFW art. Of course, even a dollar would help. Seriously, it's how I keep projects like this alive.

The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether:

A Lamb Among Wolves:

Wasted Time's Patreon:

And Finally, Please Submit your asks to this email address!
Submit Asks Here!

If the link doesn't work for you, send those emails to ""

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Saying Goodbye to New Hampshire

It's been a little while since my last update, mostly cause I've been busy running around and (at first) trying to work out things with places around here, and now focusing on the transit situation, but I don't want to get ahead of myself, so let's start at the beginning.

First off, my hand scar I picked up from the fire was (and possibly still is) infected. It's still quite sore to the touch, and I just had x-rays done to see if there was anything foreign that they missed caught inside my hand. I won't know till tomorrow what's the verdict on that, but I have just finished a regiment of antibiotics which only sort of helped reduce the swelling and sensitivity. I am optimistic that the medicine helped, and I'm pretty sure there's nothing stuck in there, but I appreciate my doctor being thoroughness.

Apartment hunting has been,'s been a total bust. Either the waiting lists are forty families deep, or someone just nabbed the place before we did, or it's a second or third floor apartment, and so on. I do feel a sense of solidarity in knowing many of our fellow neighbors are just as much out in the lurch as we are, as they are also struggling to find a place with significantly less 'needed specifications'. But that said, if they are having as much trouble with that much less holding them back, what does that mean for us?

So, due to that reason, as well as the mounting 'rapidly dwindling' time limit in terms of how long the town is willing to put up those of us dislocated at the hotel at their expense, my mother and I have made the difficult decision to stay with family in Colorado until we find a place out there.

It's not that I dislike Colorado, or my brother for that matter, but I had really wanted to try my best to stay in New Hampshire as I was pretty happy here. But nothing is giving, and everything seems to just be pointing us more and more in the direction of relocating as the only answer, and eventually we had to make a call so we could start the necessary preparations to actually get out there.

The focus now has been planning a route that is both the least expensive and also the least uncomfortable for my mom, as trying to drive from New Hampshire to Colorado is probably not the best idea for either one of us, but especially her. And on that note, my mom's health seems to be declining that much further.

While waiting for her second covid shot, which I know will more than likely make her sick for a few days, she also developed a UTI (Urinary tract infection).There was apparently some blood and bacteria in her urine, and so she's been on heavy meds for it. I am starting to worry that getting stepped on and trampled in the fire may have done more damage internally than we initially thought. Naturally I'll be keeping a close eye on her, and for the time being we are right next to the hospital so should anything worsen, I can get her there right away. Still, at anytime my mom's health could throw yet another spanner in the works of the already difficult situation.

Honestly, I'm really tired. Like spiritually as well as physically if that makes sense? I just want to go home more and more...but there is no home. This hotel room is starting to drive me crazy with the noise and lack of privacy and discomfort, and I know I'm whining and it's first world problems. I am grateful we've been allowed to stay for as long as we have thanks to the towns efforts, but a hotel is not a home, and I honestly wish they could have helped more in that regard. At least now, as uncomfortable as I am, I know soon enough we'll be out of here for better or worse, and with less of a tight time limit to worry about hanging over our heads...Although depending on how we need to travel, we may have to stay at a few more hotels on the trip to Colorado, which in itself is it's own issue.

I'd like to thank all of you who have contacted me, sharing love and emotional support. I also want to thank all of you who donated to the gofundme, as well as spread it around. Regardless of the size of the donations, is a big help, believe me. I'd also like to of course thank my wonderful patreons, both long time patreons and new arrivals. I'm sorry I don't have as much work and content to provide as I usually do, but hopefully soon we'll be getting back to...well semi-normal.

I don't think things can ever...truly be normal again, so it's more of a new normal. It feels weird to mourn...stuff still. Objects, furniture, scraps, whatever...and there will more than likely always be part of me that remains affected by the experience, therapy or not...but they say time heals all wounds, and it some ways get a little easier each day.

Thanks again guys, I love you all
