Ask the BellHunters

Hello, I'm Dawn, formerly Dawn Bellwether if you didn't recognize the added surname. And before you ask, yes 'that' Dawn Bellwether. Ex-Assistant Mayor, Ex-Mayor, Ex-Criminal Mastermind (Reformed thank you very much), City Savior, Controversial Author, and Predator/Prey relationship advocate. I'm also, as you probably guess by the hyphenated last name, married, and happily so to my mate Vernon Hunter, a gray wolf. I'm also a mother to three wonderful pups, something I never thought I'd ever have the chance to be! But, lamb sakes, I've gushed enough about myself here without explaining exactly what this blog is for. You see, after the release of my book “Predator Seeking Prey”, our little family started to get a lot of public attention again, and with it came a lot of question from curious mammals and other pred/prey couples from all over Animalia. My best friend and mate Vernon thought it would be a good idea to deal with these questions directly by opening a sort of blog/forum and taking those questions about our lives directly. Since then, I'd like to say our little blog has been quite successful, with even members of our family and friend circle pitching in and taking a few questions as well. So with all that said., please feel free to Ask Away!

Oh, and also, feel free to check our old location for previous asks until we can get a better archive system in place!

The original Ask Dawn And Vern Tumblr! This blog is a continuation/reboot of the "AskDawnAndVern" tumblr, as I am permanently locked out of the Tumblr at present.

(Blog Author Note: This blog is based on the fanfiction “The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether” as well as it's pseudo-sequel “A Lamb Among Wolves”. If you haven't read them, it'll probably help you better understand what's going on here if you do. I'll link both stories below. Oh Also, I'm open to questions as well. Simply direct “Author” emails to “WastedTime” when composing them. And before I forget, I have a Patreon! Five dollars gets you access to in progress fics, Ask priority, and art previews of both SFW and NSFW art. Of course, even a dollar would help. Seriously, it's how I keep projects like this alive.

The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether:

A Lamb Among Wolves:

Wasted Time's Patreon:

And Finally, Please Submit your asks to this email address!
Submit Asks Here!

If the link doesn't work for you, send those emails to ""

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Ask Kodi and Yukon; Experimenting?


Found AU ask; Tea Party Wolves


Vernon: Oh yeah, all her uncles have had tea with her at some point er' another, although not all of 'em were as open to gettin' fully gussied up fer it as me and Yuri were...

Yuri: Yeah, you owe me fer that...

Vernon: I didn't ask y'all to do it! Sides', you know as well as I do that Lily woulda' been happy just havin' tea with her favorite uncle ov-opp...*Vernon clasps a paw over his muzzle*

Yuri: *A wide toothy smile spreads across his maw* I'm her favorite huh? Well I- *laughs, turning his gaze away from Vernon clearly trying to play it cool and failing* I mean...*Snorts* she's a smart pup sh-*sighs and rolls his eyes* That pup has me wrapped around her little fingers...I'd do anythin' to get her to smile...

Vernon: Please don't tell the others...

Yuri: I ain't promisin' nothin'...I'll try...but I ain't promisin' nothin'...

Vernon: Thanks...and...I'm glad your niece means that much to you...

Yuri: Pft...hell all yer pups do...I love 'em to death. Now can we change the subject back to clownin' on the rest of our family who got all gussied up in princess clothes?

Vernon: Well, that'd be Xavier and Malcolm, Wade, and Pa....

Yuri: Rut me! *laughs* I forgot Pa dressed up. Please tell me someone caught that on camera!

Vernon: On Ma's furbook. *Smirks*

Yuri: *Laughing and weezing* W-where, Where did he even get that thang!? It looks it's a real dress and not a costume.

Vernon: It actually is a real dress. It was in the o' ma's 'renaissance festival' get-ups fer when she's gotta work the stall at that one that rolls through town every year.

Yuri: Aw damn, yeah I remember those...Ma makes those huge honkin' roasted turkey legs...only reason worth goin' to one of those fru-fru thangs...well that, and iffin' Pa wore this to the next one. *Laughs* But hey, I thought you said they was havin' a tea party?

Vernon: Well, they was. Ma had to go teach a cookin' class at the rec center and left Pa to look after Lily while me and the Misses were takin' Alice and Trevor to some after-school club stuff. But PC got out, and they was forced to go fer a lil' ride along to go find her stop her from causin' trouble fer the neighbors.

Yuri: *Snrk* And he kept the dress on the whole time? Why?

Vernon: *Chuckles* Lily told Pa it would 'every moment spent changin' clothes PC was gettin' farther and farther away'!' *Shakes Head* He tried to argue, but she said they was "Burnin' precious time!"so the ol' mam' folded...

Yuri: *Cackles* There was a sight fer the neigh- wait...what er'...what is that thang spillin' outta Pa's top?

Vernon: *Snrk* Cantaloupes. 

Yuri: *Coughing with laughter* P-Pa went all out huh? Wew...*Wipes tear from eye.*

Vernon: It was a sight fer Ma too, as them two pulled back into the driveway with PC in tow just about when Ma, Me, Dawn, and the other pups pulled up. It was Ma who snapped the photo. O'course, Dawn had to help her, you know Ma can barely use her phone...

Yuri: What Ma have to say?

Vernon: *Chuckles* She said the new North Meadowlands uniforms were a bit too frilly fer her taste...

Monday, February 6, 2023

Ask Wasty; Cyberpunk Deco AU (Glitz and Chips)


WT: A lot of good ideas there. Seriously. If I had to take a crack at them I'd think maybe we'd have a bit of a placement reversal. Like, Nick is already working for a corrupt version of the ZPD, although he's on the shallow end of the corruption. He had ideals, dreams, all of which get dashed when he managed to get into the ZPD and see what it was really like. But rather than walk away, he resigns himself to the role for a time, accepting it as the 'way the world is' and trying to do good where he can. It's when Judy joins the force, and he's forced to be her partner that he begins to shift back to his former self. Judy reminds him a lot of himself when he first joined, but unlike him, she refuses to give in to corruption and aims to be the one to clean the organization up.

Nick tries to talk her out of it, telling her it's not worth the trouble and to keep her head down for her own safety. Of course, Judy declines, saying she didn't become a police officer to 'play it safe' and collect a paycheck. Naturally, Judy ends up ruffling feathers in the ZPD, and Nick is warned to keep a leash on his pet or they'll 'deal with her', but those threats still aren't enough to dissuade Judy who continues to press her luck until it finally runs out. It's only thanks to Nick overhearing the plan that was already set in motion to kill Judy, and his split-second moral decision to act, that saves the poor rabbit from a gruesome 'gas leak explosion' death in the locker room. However, both mammals are still left maimed despite Nick's efforts to push her out of the way of the blast. For Judy, the attempt on her life costs her both legs below the knee, and for Nick, the blast costs him his sight.

The two are rushed to the hospital and stabilized, but only have a short time to recover before both have to flee in order to escape the ZPD looking to 'finish the job'. Nick stumbles blindly out of the hospital with only Judy to guide him, the bunny slung over his shoulder, as the pair make their escape. But the duo ends up running from the ZPD's grasp right into the arms of a mysterious mammal who leads them into the sewers. This tall, gruff, and imposing creature reveals himself to be none other than the formerly 'disgraced' Chief of the ZPD, Bogo. Bogo now works for an underground shadow agency seeking to purge the city of its corporate overlords who control the ZPD and government and restore it to its former non-dystopian system.

Judy and Nick agree to join, and are suited up and kitted out with augments to fix Judy's legs and Nick's eyes, and the pair become rogue agents, working to undermine and overthrow Zootopia's overlords at every turn. As for their relationship with Dawn and Vern, I imagine that Nick already knew the detectives while in the ZPD, and went to them for use as informants. Judy's brief interaction with them while on the force always left her wary, as the pair seemed sketchy to her. Well, as luck would have it, the reason they both came off as sketchy is that they too are part of the organization that Nick and Judy would join after their brush with death, acting as one of their sets of eyes and ears on the surface and feeding false leads to the ZPD when it came to cases involving 'terrorists'. Also, while solving smaller, more personal cases to try to involve the ZPD as little as possible, if any case led to the corpos or ZPD directly, Dawn and Vern would pass it to Bogo to be handled by one or more of his agents.

Naturally, Nick and Judy working as basically secret agent rogues means Judy doesn't get the siren hat. Not exactly stealth is it? But that said, I can see Judy having a sort of... espionage deco flare to her outfits. Something form-fitting with a singlet bottom to allow her bionic legs to be fully exposed... With Nick, I see him in sort of the more classic trenchcoat kinda thing over a fine suit, topped off with the traditional detective hat...all black of course to hit that noir aesthetic and make his augmented green eyes and tie really pop. At the time of writing this, I haven't yet drawn them, but I have a mostly clear mental these elements will surely be in the finals.

Hope you guys liked the really rough, off the cuff ideas. Thanks for the ask!


Sunday, February 5, 2023

Ask Wasty; Hetalified Animalina Nations


WT: My bad on the whole 'Strait of Melacca' thing. I'm not exactly super well versed in the socio-economics and relations of a lot of the nations of the world. You can blame that on being American, and also not a history buff. I just was keen on making the map look visually interesting and not a one-to-one replica of our own world. Ideally, I would have just loved to make all the geography and nations up entirely with very vague ties to real-world nations, but Zootopia is a world of puns and human stuff animalized, so this map was sort of me meeting that situation in the middle.

As for some nations personified, for my own sake I'm strictly going to limit this to headshots in order to save myself some work, and to cover all the ones you mentioned along with some of my own ideas.

As you guessed it, Greater and Lesser Norwulf would be wolves. However, they'd be somewhat of an opposing force, like the "Inside you there are two wolves" meme. Greater Norwulff would look proud but wise and caring, and Lesser would be the fierce and defensive looking one, a real warrior type, as this represents both countries' stances toward making peace with their neighbors versus trying to conquer them in the past, as Lesser Norwulff had to be brought to heel with Lupa's prophecy by its larger counterpart.

This facet when it came to the twin Norwulves was something I initially wanted to explore with Scottram, what with there being two sheep counterparts that represent their former hatred for Norwulff, and willingness to war, as well as the part that came to make peace with the wolves, and represent that kindness and understanding. In the end, I pretty much merged the two making this very strong warrior ewe willing to defend her country-ram's, but kind and good-natured at heart. Irelamb by contrast holds a harder grudge against the Norwulves and is it gets the full warrior ram treatment. That said, those opposing ideals between the two nations has caused friction that remains to this day.

With Japanda, the red panda actually isn't a native, at least in our world. The reason for the prevalence of Red Panda in Japanda in my lore, and its eventual name choice was due to the Red Panda's being driven out of Panda (China) centuries earlier by larger mammals. Japan also once had its own species of river otter that had gone extinct within the last 200 years. So there's the temptation to make Japanda an otter. But I think I can play with the prospect of the Red Panda being driven out of its home nation leading to the eventual extinction of the native japandese otter-folk when they came to occupy the region. So ultimately I would lean on Red Panda's being the dominant face of Japanda, but perhaps styled like a hun or other Asiatic past invader to represent its takover of the region from its original heirs.

For Swishzerland...or I guess Switzernand, I'm thinking of leading with the Alpine Ibex, a species of mountain goat. A strong, imposing-looking species of goat that I think would well represent Switzerland's native fauna, gives the air of taking defending its nation seriously and keeping neutral and isolated. Germamy, on the other hand, would be represented by the proud and noble Red deer. Elegant, graceful, imposing, Think Louis from Beastars. Naturally, I'm not representing any 'nazi history' in this depiction (at least our world's version), because I cut that bit out of my own Zoot history in favor of a more morally complex rodent purge across Roarope...although I did make Germamy spearhead that

For Mawlasia and Bindia, it's actually a struggle...I feel like with the way I coded Vanna and her families ties to Binda, it makes it more tempting to make Bindia's representation as a tiger. But at the end of the day, I feel like the Indian Elephant or Brahin would be a better fit. I'll probably end up siding with the elephant because of my strong vision of a Ganesha-like figure and our own sort of...cultural accretion to elephants holding great wisdom. This would leave Mawlasia to take home the tiger as its own representative. 

Lastly, while they weren't brought up in the ask, let's briefly touch on Kingland and The Pridelands. Obviously, both would be represented by lions, but they would have a duality similar to Mufasa and Scar, with Kingland represented by the Mufasa figure, and the more speciest, pred supremacist country of the Pridelands would be represented by the Scar analog. Although the good and evil distinction between the two is more muddied as Kingland shares a divergent past from the old Pridelands, and the ghost of what was formerly Antlerbion and the subjection, as well as the other nations and cultures stomped into extinction by the old Pridelands and their peoples hangs over Kingland's head. Hence they are represented by the ghost of female red deer floating over the Kinglish representative's shoulder, haunting him. For the scar analog, all of his ambition and drive has pushed his nation to a place of high prestige and standing, while also representing the Old Pridelands thirst for conquest. However, he is sickly and brooding because of the souless cruelty his nation employs to separate species by diet and taxonomy, with lions remaining at the top of the heap, with prey at the bottom, and hyena's even lower than that.

Thanks for the ask!