Ask the BellHunters

Hello, I'm Dawn, formerly Dawn Bellwether if you didn't recognize the added surname. And before you ask, yes 'that' Dawn Bellwether. Ex-Assistant Mayor, Ex-Mayor, Ex-Criminal Mastermind (Reformed thank you very much), City Savior, Controversial Author, and Predator/Prey relationship advocate. I'm also, as you probably guess by the hyphenated last name, married, and happily so to my mate Vernon Hunter, a gray wolf. I'm also a mother to three wonderful pups, something I never thought I'd ever have the chance to be! But, lamb sakes, I've gushed enough about myself here without explaining exactly what this blog is for. You see, after the release of my book “Predator Seeking Prey”, our little family started to get a lot of public attention again, and with it came a lot of question from curious mammals and other pred/prey couples from all over Animalia. My best friend and mate Vernon thought it would be a good idea to deal with these questions directly by opening a sort of blog/forum and taking those questions about our lives directly. Since then, I'd like to say our little blog has been quite successful, with even members of our family and friend circle pitching in and taking a few questions as well. So with all that said., please feel free to Ask Away!

Oh, and also, feel free to check our old location for previous asks until we can get a better archive system in place!

The original Ask Dawn And Vern Tumblr! This blog is a continuation/reboot of the "AskDawnAndVern" tumblr, as I am permanently locked out of the Tumblr at present.

(Blog Author Note: This blog is based on the fanfiction “The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether” as well as it's pseudo-sequel “A Lamb Among Wolves”. If you haven't read them, it'll probably help you better understand what's going on here if you do. I'll link both stories below. Oh Also, I'm open to questions as well. Simply direct “Author” emails to “WastedTime” when composing them. And before I forget, I have a Patreon! Five dollars gets you access to in progress fics, Ask priority, and art previews of both SFW and NSFW art. Of course, even a dollar would help. Seriously, it's how I keep projects like this alive.

The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether:

A Lamb Among Wolves:

Wasted Time's Patreon:

And Finally, Please Submit your asks to this email address!
Submit Asks Here!

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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Ask the Author: Superpowers


WT: Ohh, okay this is sort of cheating I guess, as I hadn't been thinking in terms of quirks when I thought about these previously. First, I should preface this by saying the first two of these ideas I had actually came from DragonMan1997 who was writing a fic called "Heroes of Zootopia" on He had asked me a few years back if he could use Vernon in his fic, and came up with a very cool Batman meets the Scarecrow identity for him called the "Red Moth". Dawn was also in the fic, with the codename of "Knockout", where she was basically the hulk and working on...I guess a sort of suicide squad? As in she was still technically jailed, but this was...I guess community service or a way to get her sentence reduced? Sadly, Dragonman sort of dropped out of the writing scene, or at the very least gave up on Heroes of Zootopia at chapter 14, so sadly the whole thing didn't last very long.

Since then I've revisited the idea a few times in my head, wondering what would my BellHunterverse look like with hero versions of some of my key characters. I'm going to limit it to the main four characters for now, to save myself having to draw an entire hero ensemble in one night, (Twio nights actually) and as you'll see, some of the ideas were just too good not to use from dragonman's fic, although I've made my own background modifications to separate things from his own hero-verse. So let's start by listing off a brief bio of everyone. Ladies and gentlemam's, I present to you, Zootopia's "Renegade's"

Vernon Hunter - Code Name: The Red Moth.

After the fallout from the first Night Howler incident, night howler becomes a pervasive problem in the Zootopian drug market, with variants of the poison being turned into highly addictive designer drugs and flooding the city streets. This all comes to a head for Vernon Hunter, when his brother Wade is murdered during a sting operation meant to take down one of the biggest howler rings in the city. Reacting to his brother's death, Vernon takes up the mantle of hero cloaked in darkness, set on revenge against the kingpins of the city and their minions for the death of his brother. A dark figure with glowing red eyes that reduces his foes to a quivering puddle before him by using their own game against them. When the ZPD finally arrives on the scene, they find a bunch of restrained, gibbering mad mammals, screaming and shrieking about the beast with blaring red eyes. Those witness testimonies are what earned the wolf his title mantle of "The Red Moth". The Red Moth is a rather grounded hero, in that he has no actual superpowers. Vernon was already familiar with standard police takedown and defense tactics from growing up under Dorian, but after the death of Wade the wolf goes all-in on learning his way around martial arts and other fighting styles until he becomes an extremely skilled paw to paw fighter. The wolf also studied Night Howler and other psychotropic drugs extensively in order to craft his deadly arsenal of gadgets, however it took the combined help of Gus and Val to fully realize those devices. Nearly all of his hallucinogenic gas grenades and sprayers are based on night-howler derivatives, adding an extra layer of irony to the methods in which he uses to dispatch his foes.

Valerie Vulpes - Code name: The Red Whirr

Valerie Vulpes appears to be your average teenage vixen, but beneath her outward aloof and snarky facade lies a mechanical marvel, one who is able to work with nearly any type of machine with flawless efficiency and knowledge, and craft truly cutting edge devices. Don't get me wrong, she is still the loveably sarcastic vixen guys are all familiar with. However, in this universe she has more drive to really achieve, and push herself beyond her limits. This is due in part to her mother's cancer going into remission when Val was a kit, allowing the older vixen to act as even more of a driving force in her life. Unlike Cameron, who was supportive but fearful of his daughter's safety, Marian believed Val was capable of amazing things, and that the vixen owed it to the world to show them just how amazing she was. Sadly, Marian's cancer returned in Val's late teens. Although Marian did not succumb to the cancer itself, but rather a massive power failure at the hospital caused by the riots post the Night Howler incident disrupting her life support. In her grief, Val poured all of her emotion and efforts into what would become her greatest creation yet. Using her prized motorcycle left to her by her grandmother as a base, the vixen converted it into a suit of power armor that the vehicle can switch to and from. On that day, the "Red Whirr" was born. With Val's own excellent technical prowess, agility, and deadly accurate archery skills, as well as with a little bit of programming and hacking skills provided by her sister Ellie, the vixen became a force to be reckoned with in the wild. Val also took up helping her friend Vernon in the design of most of the technical gassing gizmos that allow him to help her torment the criminal community.

Gustave Hornsley - Code Name: Mammal Machine

In this universe, the Gus we know is an even frailer, sicker billy to the point of almost being unrecognizable. Born with Osteogenesis imperfecta, the young Gus spent most of his life hidden away indoors, unable to even attend public schooling due to his fragility. Thus Gus spent many of his years indoors studying and learning everything he could about biology and technology with the intended goal of one day fixing his broken body. With no friends or life outside of the house to distract his pursuits, the kid was able to spend his child hood and most of his early teens completely engrossed in his studies, as well as allowing him the time to invent and apply various prototype augments to his body, albeit with mixed success. Gus' interests in fantasy still remained however, and while most kids wanted nothing to do with him, or made fun of him in public for his condition as well as his weird 'machine' attachments, it was his frequent trips to the local hobby store would allow him to cross paths with a young, kind and accepting, Vernon Hunter. Had it not been for Vernon meeting the billy at said shop, it's doubtful they would have ever become friends. From that point forward, Vernon became the billy's best and only friend, as well as his reluctant assistant when it came to putting his experimental augments to the test. Eventually, the billy made a limited attempt to attend college following after his friend Vernon. Gus elected to take most of his classes at home while he continued to work on his augments, but did take some classes on campus as an attempt to get out an experience life now that he had a modest handle on his condition. It was while attending ZU that he met Melanie Gessenay, an up-and-coming geneticist and immediately found himself smitten. Thankfully for the billy the feeling was very mutual. While Gus eventually dropped out of college, finding the classes inadequate and well behind his own studies, Melanie became his mate and partner in crime in terms of perfecting the billy's augments, and thus the "Mammal Machine" was truly born. With his mechanical augments the billy sports super strength and a deadly set of chromium horns that can rip and tear through almost anything. Thisversion of Gus is probably the coldest member of the group, often being hardest on the criminals they face as they tend to bring back memories of the mammals that made fun of his conditions and experiments throughout his early life in the North Meadowlands and his brief stint at college. Mammal Machine freely admits that had it not been for mammals like Vernon, or his love Melly, he would have almost assuredly become a villain. It's also worth noting that Gus is the mammal who comes up with the psychotropic night howler compounds for Vernon's weaponry.

Dawn Bellwether - Code Name: Bleatdown

Dawn Bellwether's early life was more or less the same as we remember, however it is when we come to the night howler conspiracy that things take a strange turn as we deviate from my universe. During his dark work, Doug discovers a strange compound within night howler itself and works tirelessly to isolate it. He finally manages to separate the unique property towards the end of the events of Zootopia, and brings his discovery to Dawn's attention. Unfortunately for the ewe, she shows up to Doug's lab just in time to run into Hopps and Wild(Or as they are known in this universe "Hopp Speed" and "Mr. Mirage". This leads to the final confrontation occurring on Doug's runaway lab as it barreled through the city. The fight between our would-be heroes and Doug and his minions leads to inadvertantly trapping Dawn in the driver's compartment of the train. With the ewe too weak to pull the handbrake herself, and with little time remaining before the car crashes into the station ahead, Hopps and Wild are forced to make the dark decision to leave Dawn in order to save themselves. While the crash should have killed Dawn, her body is contaminated with the isolated night howler compound. The agonizing pain of her injuries wracking the barely conscious ewe end up triggering the anomalous effects of the elixir. On the upside, it causes Dawn's nearly fatal injuries to miraculously heal almost instantly, the drawback however is that the compound  also caused her to morphe into a lumbering, rage-filled beast that would come to be known as "Bleatdown". After she is successfully subdued by Hopps and Wilde, the ewe is locked away in a maximum-security medical facility so her condition can be studied and reversed. A shock collar is affixed to her neck so that the staff can force her out of her 'rage' state if necessary. She is sentenced to the same sentence as I had given her in my fic, however, when parole time comes, the ewe is denied despite her best efforts to reform and control her anger. Melanie, who just so happens to work at the same medical facility becomes familiar with Dawn's case, and in the process discovers the real reason they are keeping Dawn there. They want to learn how her powers work, how to control them, and then sell the recipe off to the highest bidder. It is because of this that Melanie calls Vernon, Val and Gus to break Dawn out, and thus the ewe is inducted into their vigilante group. Since then, Melanie has modified Dawn's collar so that only she, Gus, and Val can control it, and they hold off on using it unless absolutely necessary to bring Dawn's power under control. Vernon however, after discovering his shared history with the ewe, rejected having access to Dawn's collar, and so far he is the only mammal that capable of bringing Dawn out of a rage state without it. Melanie has promised to work tirelessly to cure Dawn's condition, as the ewe still wants to be rid of her 'gift', however, progress remains slow.

You guys may have noticed I dropped some names of other characters in there. "Mr. Mirage", Hopp Speed". As well as referred to this little group as Renegades. That's because this version of Zoot has a sort of 'civil war' element to it. Hopps, Wilde, and the others are considered "state-sanctioned" heroes. Therefore they are allowed to operate in an official capacity,  but have to follow rules and regulations set down by the Zootopian Government, some of which may or may not be the result of corruption embedded within it. Vernon, Dawn, Gus, Val, and their friends are Renegades. They aren't registered, and often take justice into their own paws/hooves to strike back at the inherent corruption within the Zootopian system. Needless to say, this puts them at odds with Hopps and the others most of the time.

There, I hope you've liked this little dip into this...Bellheroverse thing. I obviously do have ideas for the "Sanctioned' heroes as evidenced by Hopp Speed and Mr. Mirage, so lemme know if you wanna see them and Deci-Yell (Finnick), and Invincibull (Bogo) at some point.

Also...I went...waaaay overboard with the art for this you can probably gather why it was two days late. Sorry, but in the end I do hope you guys like it.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Ask WT: Everyone's Ages


 WT: I'll honestly admit here that I wasn't aware of Nick and Judy's ages when writing my first and second fic. At the time of writing rehab, I couldn't find a single source on that and assumed that it was never mentioned. To be honest, I can't really remember what the ages I gave them in Rehab were....but I feel like it was something like...Judy is 26, Nick is 30. I'm probably wrong though, or if I'm lucky merely never mentioned their ages at all, in which case I can just adjust it to what would be accurate to their canon ages.

As for Dawn and Vernon, at the time of Rehab and Law I had Dawn being 31, and Vernon being 30. Dawn was roughly around 24 when she and Leodore were first elected, and around 26 when she was arrested.

Vernon was born to a litter of four, making Wade, Ulric, and Trenton also 30.

Zach, Yuri, and Xavier were born in a litter a year prior, making them all 31.

Audrey's first litter was born when she was 17, making her about 48 at the time of Rehab and Law, basically at the tail end of her fertile years, which is why she was rather lucky to get pregnant at the end of Law. I imagine Dorian being about a year older than her, so 49.

As for the rest of the Hunter gals...I don't really know if I had an age really set for each of them. But I'd imagine gals like Vanna and Ada to be the same age as their mate, if not older. Whereas Giselle, Honey, Qali, and Malcolm to be on the younger side, with Qali being the youngest.

Ask WT: The Attempted Cannidy


I'd say first and foremost that the primary difference between the NMU's Cannidy assassination and our own Kennedy assassination is that in the BellHunterverse, the assassination was unsuccessful. The subsequent fallout of the attempt on Cannidy's life in Dalgrass, Texangus revealed a seeping corruption in the North Mammalian Union government that briefly threatened to cause the regions to separate in the wake of the incident. Wealthy corporate interests were working along with corrupt government officials to subvert the entire system of democracy put in place by Woolshington D.C., only allowing 'team players' to keep the facade of a healthy government system going while the elite in Woolshington and North Mammalian business interests grew fat off the wealth of the very system itself.

While Cannidy recovered from his injuries, the shooter was caught and questioned, and in the process fingered not only the North Mammalian CIA as having employed him but that it had been a top-down command from the vice president at the time, Lyon B Jawnson. The vice president was quickly arrested, and after Caninidy recovered from his wounds, the hound went to work swiftly and aggressively rooting out the corrupted officials that were working beneath him, as well as going on to establish a task force to aid the other states on a more local level.

The next few years were chaos in the NMU and surrounding nations. The NMU itself was struggling to restore trust in its own system after such an egregious threat had been allowed to fester inside of it for so long, and wealthy business owners and other guilty co-conspirators were fleeing in every direction to avoid prosecution and penalties. Some of said mammals of industry tried to flee to Zootopia, but were immediately taken into custody before being turned over to the North Mammalian Government.

Today's NMU has a very heavily regulated business sector, and any large corporation that wants to operate or sell in the region is held to a tight leash. The government also has many agencies in place that regulate the government itself, with redundant organizations to keep thoroughly screen out any creeping sources of corruption that pose a threat to the nation.

Ask WT: Itaily, Italamb, and the dividing line.


 WT: Before the split, Italy had a massive population of rodent, and rodent-related mammals. When the rise of the 'Rat Rasp", and the anti-rodent sentiment following it that would ultimately lead to the "Great Rodent Exile" occurred, there were simply too many rodents for the rest of Itaily to exile to another place. Too many rodents were willing to stand their ground and defend their homelands. The fact that the city of Roar was a major rodent epicenter, and that Ratican City was so important to the religious rodents living there is what ended up cementing it as the dividing line between rodents and the rest of Itaily's mammals. Thus the Ratican line between North Itaily and South Itailamb was established in an effort to prevent all out war between the two factions, splitting the city of Roar in half, ala east and west Germany in our world.

Today, relations between both provinces remain cold, however, they have each opened up to limited tourism from the other side, softening the long-standing ban on rodents entering the south and non-rodents traveling north.

Ask Dawn and Vern; Lionheart in Singapurr

Vernon: *Chuckles* Arrested again eh? That lion is buildin' himself quite a wrap sheet.

Dawn: Oh yes, I vaguely remember hearing about this...*sighs* That mammal just refuses to let go of the maligned dream of somehow restoring his former political prominence. Between the release of his personal memoirs, which I might add he had to publish himself because his attitude and general stubbornness about editing drove every publisher willing to work with him away, and now this, I really can't imagine what he's thinking anymore...His therapist must be tearing her hair out...

Vernon: Oh yeah, his...ahem 'audio' book that he released. I remember that...Teeth to Tails, the things that mammal said, the things he could have edited out and didn't...

Dawn: *Giggles* It's a wonder he managed to compile all of his recordings together at all considering editing seems to be beyond his grasp entirely.

Vernon: At least that tagline "The mammal behind the mane" held true fer that book.

Dawn: Yes, I'd say everyone who listened got a little bit of a taste of what it was like for me working with that lion behind closed doors...especially the one 'chapter' where half of it is him arguing with a publisher on speakerphone, or that other chapter where he's absolutely berating his editor before firing him....*Shudders* that brought back some memories.

That said, yes he has always been like that behind closed doors. That's what Lionheart looks like without his 'politics face' on. While I'll admit I had my prejudices against predators thanks to my upbringing as well as abuse, Leodore's own prejudices were as bad, if not worse than my own. Especially toward the 'simple-minded grazer folk' as he used to call them. The only difference between then and now is that I'm no longer acting as his filter...couple that with his previous stint and jail and his absolute desperation to climb back to the top of the heap and...well, I imagine it's not as easy to maintain the same 'charismatic and tolerant leader' facade he used to be so good at.

That said, I think both Vernon and myself agree with Cretinhunter113's sentiment, and would formerly like to apologize on behalf of all Zootopian's for his behavior.

Vernon: *Chuckles* Yeah, rest assured, most Zootopians don't share his colorful opinions.

Dawn: As for your second question, while I don't really know the nitty-gritty of Singapurr's educational system, I can say that we definitely take a lighter paw with schooling than our neighbors in the NMU. For instance, the allotted amount of school days and hours are significantly decreased here compared to those next door. While North Mammalia regularly sees a four hours a day, five day a week school session, in Zootopia our lambs go to school for three hours a day, three days a week. That is, at least until high school, when they add an extra day in order to prep lambs for college and really try and steer them into just what kind of job they want to do. The shorter time serves two purposes. One is to ease lambs into regiments slowly while allowing them plenty of time to enjoy their lambhood and explore their own interests without too much pressure. The second is that it allows families to spend more time together, strengthening family bonds.

Vernon: A lot of our early education is basic and surface-level stuff. History, Animanglish, basic math, that sorta thing. Arts and exercises and stuff er' part of outside schoolin' that's generally left fer parents and pups to pick out based on what kinda interests the pup shows. Once y'all get closer to high school, the focus turns to practical stuff fer self-sufficiency, like how to do yer taxes, er cook fer yerself and stuff. That's at least half the curriculum. The other half is elective technical courses that y'all get to pick out based on what kinda work y'all are fixing to want to do in life, and those classes help start y'all toward college er' technical schools iffin' y'all choose to go.

Dawn: As for testing, I mean all testing is related to that sort of low-pressure curriculum, and it scales with the grading. We don't go too hard with tests in our school systems because internal studies have shown that overwhelming students with tests actually hurts retention rather than helps it. Essentially after the tests are over, the students forget everything. That said, I've heard in some countries testing can be..unnecessarily aggressive, and I worry they suffer the same sort of problems those studies pointed to.

Vernon: I think the NMU really wants to switch to our system, I know some of the regional states have. But they haven't made it national because...I dunno...tradition...?

Dawn: That, and they have to get the Mexicat and Canidean states to agree, who are also holding on to the old way of doing things more than likely due to tradition... it's like how it took thirty years to get every nation in the NMU to agree to do away with daylight savings. It should have been done within a few years of electric lighting was widespread, as it  became archaic and caused more chaos than anything by outliving its usefulness.

Vernon: I still have memories of the last few years of daylight savin's from when I was a made me love fall, but mam' did I hate spring. *Chuckles*

(WT: Thank you so much for your ask, and the extra trouble you went through making up those nice supplementary images. And thank you for the well wishes. I hope you liked this answer!)

Ask the Author; Where is everybody?

 WT: Ah yes, I guess It's been a while...or possibly never outside of LAW that I explained where each of the Hunters lived. So I'll start local and branch out I guess.

There's a couple of Hunters in Zootopia and its neighboring districts, as I'm sure you are well aware. Dawn, Vern and the Pups live in the Savannah Square District, however, shortly after the birth of Paige, I am planning to have them move to the South Meadowlands suburbs so they can be closer to Grandma and Grandpaw Hunter while still allowing Vernon to work downtown without it being a long trip.

Wade and Giselle currently live in Tundratown, although they live in separate apartments and haven't made the jump to living together.

Dorian and Audrey, and their three new pups live in the North Meadowlands, although granted I feel that's probably another one that gets brought up a lot.

Zach and Vanna share a trailer at the park a few miles down the road from Audrey and Dorian's home. They've been saving up to have a proper ranch built for themselves on a patch of farmland adjacent to the Hunter Ranch.

Trenton and Qali live in the Burrow counties, specifically in a town called Foxes Glenn, which is about a half hour from Bunnyburrow.

Xavier and Malcolm share a somewhat upscale apartment in downtown San Francisgoat, on the west coast of the NMU.

Yuri and Ada also live on the west coast, specifically, Seaotter where they too share an apartment in the city, albeit more of a middle-class one.

And lastly, Ulric lives in Delahare, just outside of Woolshington D.C. Where he works in the D.C.P.D. As a forensic investigator....or I should say, he 'used to work', as an international incident ends up losing him his job, and forcing him to move in with Honey Badger in Zootopia's Nocturnal District and become a paranormal investigator full time.