Ask the BellHunters

Hello, I'm Dawn, formerly Dawn Bellwether if you didn't recognize the added surname. And before you ask, yes 'that' Dawn Bellwether. Ex-Assistant Mayor, Ex-Mayor, Ex-Criminal Mastermind (Reformed thank you very much), City Savior, Controversial Author, and Predator/Prey relationship advocate. I'm also, as you probably guess by the hyphenated last name, married, and happily so to my mate Vernon Hunter, a gray wolf. I'm also a mother to three wonderful pups, something I never thought I'd ever have the chance to be! But, lamb sakes, I've gushed enough about myself here without explaining exactly what this blog is for. You see, after the release of my book “Predator Seeking Prey”, our little family started to get a lot of public attention again, and with it came a lot of question from curious mammals and other pred/prey couples from all over Animalia. My best friend and mate Vernon thought it would be a good idea to deal with these questions directly by opening a sort of blog/forum and taking those questions about our lives directly. Since then, I'd like to say our little blog has been quite successful, with even members of our family and friend circle pitching in and taking a few questions as well. So with all that said., please feel free to Ask Away!

Oh, and also, feel free to check our old location for previous asks until we can get a better archive system in place!

The original Ask Dawn And Vern Tumblr! This blog is a continuation/reboot of the "AskDawnAndVern" tumblr, as I am permanently locked out of the Tumblr at present.

(Blog Author Note: This blog is based on the fanfiction “The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether” as well as it's pseudo-sequel “A Lamb Among Wolves”. If you haven't read them, it'll probably help you better understand what's going on here if you do. I'll link both stories below. Oh Also, I'm open to questions as well. Simply direct “Author” emails to “WastedTime” when composing them. And before I forget, I have a Patreon! Five dollars gets you access to in progress fics, Ask priority, and art previews of both SFW and NSFW art. Of course, even a dollar would help. Seriously, it's how I keep projects like this alive.

The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether:

A Lamb Among Wolves:

Wasted Time's Patreon:

And Finally, Please Submit your asks to this email address!
Submit Asks Here!

If the link doesn't work for you, send those emails to ""

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Ask Vernon; Ideal Self



Vernon: Well, first off, I'd probably wanna be less broad in the shoulder department. Most wolves ain't...built like us Hunter's seem to be, and Ulric is the only one of us who came out with a sorta 'average-wolf' frame to him. Our broad upper bodies is why my Pa likes to joke about us havin' 'dire' in us. Also, I'd love to be able to grow my neck fur in well enough to get that...wolf mane look. The kind where yer neck fluff almost seamlessly merges with yer chest fur. I've tried cultivatin' one a few times, but it never really works out how I'd want it too. To patchy lookin'. Then there's my head fur, er' lack thereof. Granted purty much none of us boys inherited Ma er' Pa's more exaggerated mane o' head hair. Most I've every really been able to grow that stands out are a few whisps of the stuff, so I'd love a chance to toy around with some real thick head-fur of my own. Also...I kinda wish I was as fit as the rest of my family, granted that ones on me. I don't work in a physically demandin' job, so I'm a little doughy around the middle. O'course I could fix that with a gym membership, but the god's know I'd never find the time to use it. So, yeah, thinner, leaner, more elegant lookin'. Oh, and the accent. I'd definitely wish I didn't have my accent. It's really hard to break, and it makes animals who already look down at wolves fer bein' 'dumb' feel like they're even more justified in believin' it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Ask Dawn; The Pit



Dawn: Yes, I do unfortunately, although my grisly doppleganger has more or less stopped appearing, I do still find myself in that place from time to time. My therapist says at this point it's probably something that will largely stay with me, as my guilt over the original night howler scandal is...well, it's never going to fully go away, nor would I want it to. Thankfully the dreams about the pit have grown fewer and farther between since my 'breakthrough' in the hospital. And, I also have the sweetest, gentlest mammal in the world by my side at night to hold on to, and have him reassure me about it.

Vernon: Always Honey Lamb, Always...


Ask Yuri and Ada; Hyena Eating Habits


Ada: I wouldn't exactly call it abnormal behavya for a yeen goil. *Chuckles* I remembas my med school days.I tells ya, if I neva's have ta eat nintey-nine cent saran-wrap ramen for dah rest of my loif it'd be too soon.

Yuri: Ada can put away her fair share of food, heck, she's practically a garbage disposal sometimes...

Ada: I'd give ya craps for dat if it wasn't largely a yeen joke dat we used ta be natcha's clean up crew. Back in da ancestral days we ate everyone's leftova's, bones, gristla and all. In fact most of us yeens still have strong enough jaws to crush da bones of pretty much any mammal. Needless to say, bein' a dentist wit yeen patients is probably a very noive-wrackin' job. Of course, since evolvin' and not really needin' to scavenge as much, yas don't see too many yeens gorgin' on a buffet like it was dere last meal....but dat don't mean we still don't have da capacity to do it.

Yuri: That one of them genetic remnant things? Like horses bein' born with single hoofnails fer paws? Or that faintin' thang Vernon's friend has?

Ada: Not entirely, it's not eva somtin dat eva fully went away, it's just sometin' we don't usually do anymore. Like Dawn chewin' cud. You can go out and stuff yaself's wit up tas one toid ya body weight wort of meat and bones for a few days, but most yeens don't. Like I said, my solution in med school was cheap ramen, but we's all figures out our own survival technikues.

Yuri: As for tips? Talking about her taste in food is probably a good way to open the door. Oh yeah, that and her schoolin' obviously. But I warn y'all, most hyena gals are...well...

Ada: *Glaring* “Well” what?

Yuri: Er...Strong, powerful types, with equally big personalities to boot.

Ada: *Chuckles* Well I suppose dat's fair.

Yuri: If she's anything like Ada, she ain't gonna care for too much nonsense leadin' up to flat out askin' her out. And seein' as how yer' about half her size...y'all might wanna concern yerself with possibly bein' injured iffin' y'all get intimate. Let's just say a hyena's jaw ain't the only part of 'em capable of breakin' bones, iffin' ya catch my drift.



Ask Joel and Megumi; Beastars!



Joel: The Mammanga is always better, the question is was the comic any good in the first place. To answer your question, yes, yes it the start.

Megumi: I don't know if it was always the authors plan, or she became to wrapped up in show production and the mammanga fell by the way-side, but as the book reached it's sudden, abrupt end it....just became a narrative mess. Plot threads thrown by the way sides, things suddenly happening for seemingly no reason, other elements going absolutely nowhere.

Joel: Not to mention the derailment of the best ship in the series, Kuzco what a middle finger to the fans.

Megumi: I would have been fine with it if it wasn't a greater symptom of the the entire evolution and development of the character being completely tossed aside in final hour.

Joel: As for the actors in the live series, I'm pretty sure they aren't like...massive names yet here in North Mammalia. I mean, I haven't heard about any of them picking up any rolls for Hollywolf projects and stuff. But I hope the buck who plays Louis gets work. He's probably the best actor among them.

Megumi: He really steals the scenes he's in, and his arc of going from like...sort of a snooty rich boy to this cool, calculating badass is...I mean what's not to love. You end up loving him more than Legoshi, am I right?

Joel: He's alright, but you know I'm busy simping for Juno over here. Even though I'm pretty damn sure she's not a pure bred grey wolf like Legoshi.

Megumi: Well, Legoshi isn't technically a full blood wolf if you remember.

Joel: Oh I know, I meant the actors. I'm pretty sure the actress who plays Juno is a hybrid. Maybe Red wolf and Grey? I don't know, but she certainly doesn't look anything like Vernon's family, and their fur colors are all over the place. Don't get me started on the 'lore' of hybrids. *Shakes head* It's giving me a migraine just thinking about it.


Ask Dawn And Vern; Winning over Prejudiced Parents


Dawn: It sounds like you and your mate are in a very difficult situation. Fortunately for Puppy and I, to an extent anyway, didn't really have to worry about our parents beliefs actually being effective in keeping us apart. Not that either of us wanted to burn any bridges with the Hunter Pack, myself especially, but...

Vernon: We at least had the option, where I imagine a pup like y'all might still be subjected to the ol' “If you live under my house, y'all will live under my rules' kinda edict.

Dawn: That said, I think the best thing you could try to do is...well see where their prejudice with prey lies. Of course you don't want to...go too overboard...

Vernon: That might draw some suspicion.

Dawn: Right, try to spread out those sort of probing questions rather than trying to get them out all out once. It's less likely to lead to questioning as to why you are asking such questions, or put them on the defensive.

Vernon: Y'all may find some stuff to work with there, like maybe it's just somethin' they picked up from their parents and don't have any actual personal experience in. Or they could'a had a really bad experience with a prey mammal, even multiple.

Dawn: Right. There could even be a...repression issue there as well...although that's not always the case.

Vernon: Right, one of yer parents could have even had felt romantic er' sexual feelin's for a mammal outside of their species, and strict rejection is the only way they've been able to cope with it.

Dawn: Other than that, I'd recommend the best sort of education comes in the form of interaction. Introduce your parents to some of your prey friends, if you have anymore.

Vernon: Maybe even your girlfriend, provided y'all just introduce her as a friend er' schoolmate.

Dawn: Right. Have them talk, share their interests, life stories. The best way to chip away at prejudice is to confront it with truth through example. A real mammal, with real feelings and experiences who can show your parents that there is more to prey than they think. That predator and prey are more alike than they are different, that most of them want the same things out of life.

Vernon: Iffin' yer bold enough, and y'all know a pred/prey couple aside from yerself, maybe havin' them meet yer parents and get to know 'em might be the most direct way to to makin' yer folks open up about their misgivin's and change their tune.

Dawn: But a smaller, softer approach is probably better. You...don't want a fight breaking out and incensing things.

Vernon: Hey, iffin' yer local, y'all could always trick 'em to come out to one of our book signin's er' somethin', then we could talk to 'em about their little 'opinion' on me and my Honey Lamb's relationship.

Dawn: *Awkward, uneasy laughter* n-no P-Puppy...I think something like that might make things worse rather than better!

Ask Dorian; Keep your boy out of my Feilds!



Howdy Beau,

Let me start out by apologizing for all Ulric has brought down on your pumpkin patch over the years. I don't know exactly why he seems to favor stalking your pumpkin patch over our own, as I...well I've never been able to get a sensible answer out of the boy. To be honest, I don't understand a lot about why my boy does what he does aside from blaming his medical condition. I was hoping that when he moved out years ago to pursue his work in DC, this wouldn't really be an issue anymore. I figured he would have put that fixation with whatever 'creature' he thinks lives under your fields well and truly behind him as he moved on to what I hoped was bigger and better things. The last thing I expected him to go an use this years Sam Hain Scare visit 'settle an old score' as he put it. Nor did I expect his new lady friend to actually indulge his delusions this time around, considering for the most part she seems to have a good head on her shoulders.

Naturally I'll pay for any and all damages the boy did. You already have my address so you can send the bill. As for the...emotional trauma suffered by all them young pups seeing him streaking through your fields, well...I can only offer my sincerest apologies. Know that going forward, should Ulric choose to visit our home during Harvest Season, he will not be allowed to leave the house without an escort who will actively reign him in. Audrey has promised she make sure of that, personally if she has to.

Happy Sam Hain Scare,

Sheriff Dorian Everett Hunter

P.S. In the unlikely event that Ully manages to give us the slip next year, I recommend setting up some scare sheep in your fields. The boy is somewhat petrified of sheep-folk, and tends to go out of his way to avoid them. Just ask my daughter-in-law, she can vouch for it working.