Ask the BellHunters

Hello, I'm Dawn, formerly Dawn Bellwether if you didn't recognize the added surname. And before you ask, yes 'that' Dawn Bellwether. Ex-Assistant Mayor, Ex-Mayor, Ex-Criminal Mastermind (Reformed thank you very much), City Savior, Controversial Author, and Predator/Prey relationship advocate. I'm also, as you probably guess by the hyphenated last name, married, and happily so to my mate Vernon Hunter, a gray wolf. I'm also a mother to three wonderful pups, something I never thought I'd ever have the chance to be! But, lamb sakes, I've gushed enough about myself here without explaining exactly what this blog is for. You see, after the release of my book “Predator Seeking Prey”, our little family started to get a lot of public attention again, and with it came a lot of question from curious mammals and other pred/prey couples from all over Animalia. My best friend and mate Vernon thought it would be a good idea to deal with these questions directly by opening a sort of blog/forum and taking those questions about our lives directly. Since then, I'd like to say our little blog has been quite successful, with even members of our family and friend circle pitching in and taking a few questions as well. So with all that said., please feel free to Ask Away!

Oh, and also, feel free to check our old location for previous asks until we can get a better archive system in place!

The original Ask Dawn And Vern Tumblr! This blog is a continuation/reboot of the "AskDawnAndVern" tumblr, as I am permanently locked out of the Tumblr at present.

(Blog Author Note: This blog is based on the fanfiction “The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether” as well as it's pseudo-sequel “A Lamb Among Wolves”. If you haven't read them, it'll probably help you better understand what's going on here if you do. I'll link both stories below. Oh Also, I'm open to questions as well. Simply direct “Author” emails to “WastedTime” when composing them. And before I forget, I have a Patreon! Five dollars gets you access to in progress fics, Ask priority, and art previews of both SFW and NSFW art. Of course, even a dollar would help. Seriously, it's how I keep projects like this alive.

The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether:

A Lamb Among Wolves:

Wasted Time's Patreon:

And Finally, Please Submit your asks to this email address!
Submit Asks Here!

If the link doesn't work for you, send those emails to ""

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Mr. Hammond I think we're Back in Business!











Kei Fox



Alexander Echart




Bjerken Badger



Martin Nilsson

Thanks to all my Patreons for...everything really. For sticking with me for the past seven months and helping out with as much as they have despite my limited output. I'd also like to thank the greater community, patreons and fans alike, for supporting the gofundme, or sending kind messages of condolences and encouragement over the past few months. I know I've said it already, but it still means a lot. You guys are the best!

So as you can probably guess by Misfit's manic delight in the drawing, as well as the photo of my rig, we are officially up and running again! I did have some issues with the tablet at first, but with some fiddling and tweaking, I was able to get everything running properly. It took seven-ish long months to get to this point, but we're finally here. And while I'm not entirely out of the woods in terms of life stuff I still need to get in order, it looks as though I'm through the worst of it.

That said, I'm sure you're all curious about what my plans are going forward, and some of you are no doubt eager to hit me up with commission requests and asks for the ask blog and so on. Now, while I hate to stymie that enthusiasm, unfortunately, I'm not planning to jump right back into everything all at once without missing a beat just because I finally managed to get everything back in working order. I had been planning to roll out some new rules/guidelines to how most of my stuff would operate just before the fire, and I still intend to use that as my workflow rubric going forward.

First and foremost, I am going to be re-evaluating my commission prices soon, and more than likely increasing them. This is due to a few factors, one being that I've been advised by multiple friends and long-time commissioners that I'm still undercharging for my work, and also due to the whole 'inflation of the American dollar' thing. I might not end up raising all, or even any of the prices after giving them a good look over, but I will be taking the time to crunch the numbers more thoroughly and compare them to other artists with a similar skill level out there.

Next on the list, I am adopting an "Output cycle". What this means is that I will be creating dedicated periods to take in commission requests from different sources, as well as periods set aside to simply work on my own ideas/personal projects. The tentative plan as it stands right now is to take the current month of September as my first personal month. Then in October, I would open up commissions exclusively for Patreon members, and finally, open up exclusively for those non-members of the patreon to request commissions in November. Then in December, we start at the top of the rotation again with personal projects.

 This system will not be entirely rigid of course, and there will be a degree of flexibility to it in practice, more than likely me squeezing in personal projects in the commission months. The reason for adopting this whole system is so that everyone who wants to commission me will get a chance at some point or another, rather than the people outside the Patreon waiting in the wings while I try to get a free enough hand to offer them a commission slot.

Next, for you folks anxious to get back to sending asks to my "AskTheBellhunters" Blog, you are more than welcome to start! The box is officially open. However, I more than likely won't start answering them until mid-October. I want the extra time to get on top of some of the other stuff I want to work on, as well as get the last of that 'life stuff' I mentioned sorted before I get back into the ask blog properly. That said, I'm also going to be changing the posting date of the asks, as well as the number of asks posted per session. Going forward, I'm aiming to answer asks on Mondays and Fridays, answering 4 asks on each day with one of those asks being a drawn one.

Lastly, I've been seriously considering looking into merchandising my art to some degree. Initially, I'm thinking of some wall scrolls pin-ups of some of my characters, and maybe expanding that to Booby/ass mouse pads or even Daki covers depending on the interest. So I'm floating this idea now to gauge interest from you guys. Would you guys be interested in something like a Val or Moira Booby Mousepad? Ada, Vanna, Audrey, or Giselle wall scrolls? A cuddly Qali body pillow? And of course, the boys are just as much on the table as the girls. Please let me know if you'd be interested in that sort of thing, and moreover, if you have any recommendations on sites to use for such an endeavor it would be super appreciated. Your feedback matters, so let me hear it!

So, now that I've covered all the technical stuff, I'll just give you guys a brief update on my situation that things are returning to something resembling normal, I'd like to minimize talking about my health as much as I can unless it directly impacts workflow. 

Since I arrived in my new home I've been dealing with really bad chest pains and breathing issues. At first, I chalked it up to altitude sickness, but when it persisted for longer than two weeks, I went to the doctor who wasn't entirely sure what was going on. Right now I'm on a pretty heavy regiment of meds to sort of stabilize it, and at the moment it seems to be working. However, I'm supposed to take it easy for the next couple of days. I'm talking laying down snuggled up to a heating pad and either sleeping, reading, playing video games, or vegging out on anime. Basically, anything I can do from the bed. That said, I do seem to be improving, so I'm hoping by next week this will all be a distant memory.

That about wraps up the august update. I should have new content for you soon! (Patreon members even sooner!) So keep your eyes peeled. Thanks for everything!


P.S., if any of you guys are interested, I do have an amazon wishlist now, (Another thing I was advised to get by a friend/backer), so if any of you guys feel like helping me replace more lost stuff and saving me the trouble, I'd super appreciate it.

Thanks again!
