Ask the BellHunters

Hello, I'm Dawn, formerly Dawn Bellwether if you didn't recognize the added surname. And before you ask, yes 'that' Dawn Bellwether. Ex-Assistant Mayor, Ex-Mayor, Ex-Criminal Mastermind (Reformed thank you very much), City Savior, Controversial Author, and Predator/Prey relationship advocate. I'm also, as you probably guess by the hyphenated last name, married, and happily so to my mate Vernon Hunter, a gray wolf. I'm also a mother to three wonderful pups, something I never thought I'd ever have the chance to be! But, lamb sakes, I've gushed enough about myself here without explaining exactly what this blog is for. You see, after the release of my book “Predator Seeking Prey”, our little family started to get a lot of public attention again, and with it came a lot of question from curious mammals and other pred/prey couples from all over Animalia. My best friend and mate Vernon thought it would be a good idea to deal with these questions directly by opening a sort of blog/forum and taking those questions about our lives directly. Since then, I'd like to say our little blog has been quite successful, with even members of our family and friend circle pitching in and taking a few questions as well. So with all that said., please feel free to Ask Away!

Oh, and also, feel free to check our old location for previous asks until we can get a better archive system in place!

The original Ask Dawn And Vern Tumblr! This blog is a continuation/reboot of the "AskDawnAndVern" tumblr, as I am permanently locked out of the Tumblr at present.

(Blog Author Note: This blog is based on the fanfiction “The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether” as well as it's pseudo-sequel “A Lamb Among Wolves”. If you haven't read them, it'll probably help you better understand what's going on here if you do. I'll link both stories below. Oh Also, I'm open to questions as well. Simply direct “Author” emails to “WastedTime” when composing them. And before I forget, I have a Patreon! Five dollars gets you access to in progress fics, Ask priority, and art previews of both SFW and NSFW art. Of course, even a dollar would help. Seriously, it's how I keep projects like this alive.

The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether:

A Lamb Among Wolves:

Wasted Time's Patreon:

And Finally, Please Submit your asks to this email address!
Submit Asks Here!

If the link doesn't work for you, send those emails to ""

Sunday, July 25, 2021

New Home, Same Old Family.

 Right away, I'd like to give a shout out to my Patreons. Once again, thanks for all the help in getting through this particularly rough patch of my life. It's been...hell, and the continued emotional and financial support has helped keep my somewhat sane.





Alexander Eckhart



Bjerken Badger



Kei Fox









Martin Nilsson



I also owe you guys, as well as the rest of my fans an apology. July had...probably next to no new works, sketchbook or otherwise. I had anticipated doing more stuff, but as tensions rose in my brother's house, and got to a point where I didn't even feel comfortable breathing out of place, it made it too uncomfortable to really getting any drawing done at all. That said, I do have something I'll be posting to the Patreon right after this, but most of that was done at the hotel.

And now you're probably asking “Hotel? Why are you in a hotel?” Well...I suppose I might as well start with the bad news first. My mother and I were kicked out of my brother's home. It's really the end result of that building tension I mentioned earlier, despite me trying to head things off at the pass and hash things out in an amicable way, it did little to prevent the inevitable caldera-like eruption that was overdue I suppose.

Staying with my brother, he had pretty much been up my ass daily about petty little things. Dishes, laundry, cooking. With every passing day it seemed there wasn't something I could right in his eyes. It was either done completely wrong or just not up to his standards. The fights that ended up getting me and my mother tossed out actually started over me not cleaning his pots 'the right way'. Of course, these were things he had admitted to me just two days before that fight when I tried to talk things out 'weren't even about me', but the other stresses in his life he was taking out on me. Something he said he was going to try to correct. Before this conversation I had been banned from using his kitchen at all, but after we had talked he rescinded that decision....for all of two days. Then it was back to telling me not to use his stuff, even though more than seventy-five percent of what I was using was my own appliances and dishware. The argument escalated, and while I didn't curse or say anything particularly vile as...that's not something I tend to do, I still got shoved into a wall, and eventually punched in the chest for my trouble. Had mom not managed to hobble to her bedroom door, and got her cane between me and my brother, he would have more than likely hit me again.

Unable to reach me, he started screaming at us to get out, and so I quietly packed up what I could, and moved me and mom to a hotel in town. The following day I went back up with a cargo van and moved what little extra we had into a storage locker. Thankfully we have enough emergency funds to take this hit, even if it takes away from our furniture fund. But we were only ten days from leaving of our own volution for greener pastures, and therein lies the good news.

Those of you following my twitter “WastedtimeEE2” probably already know this, but for the rest of you, we managed by the grace of the gods to find a home. Even my mother's worker was shocked that we 'lucked out', and that she'd never seen someone land a place so quickly. Unlike in New Hampshire, we finally found a complex whose owner was actually sympathetic to the fact we were burned out of our home. So as of July thirtieth, we'll be living on the eastern slope of Colorado, a good four hours away from my miserable brother and his empire of dirt. And the best part of that is, he has no idea that we landed a place so far from him.

My mom and I are not desert folks, and Grand Junction is just that. The western slope is quite arid. So as soon as we arrived, we began looking on the cooler side of the mountains for a place to live. Mom and I were initially worried that should we find a place so far, it might wreck the relationship she was trying to build with my brother. So we held off telling him for as long as we possibly I suppose in a way, it worked out for the best? Either way, we'll be well and far enough away from him to not even have the slightest chance of running into him by accident, which as you can imagine is a huge relief to us both.

Before I wrap up, I also want to apologize for not keeping up with comments, notes, and emails for the last month. Between pounding the pavement trying to find a home, the tense atmosphere in my brothers home, my health, and using this terrible laptop that only gets worse with every passing day, (Seriously, it took twenty minutes to put together the post I'm about to make in fucking MS paint on this thing.), I've been putting off replies. I will try to get to them over the next few days. I am not ignoring you, and I will respond to you guys soon. Thanks for everything guys, see you at the tunnel mouth...

Onward and upward,
