Ask the BellHunters

Hello, I'm Dawn, formerly Dawn Bellwether if you didn't recognize the added surname. And before you ask, yes 'that' Dawn Bellwether. Ex-Assistant Mayor, Ex-Mayor, Ex-Criminal Mastermind (Reformed thank you very much), City Savior, Controversial Author, and Predator/Prey relationship advocate. I'm also, as you probably guess by the hyphenated last name, married, and happily so to my mate Vernon Hunter, a gray wolf. I'm also a mother to three wonderful pups, something I never thought I'd ever have the chance to be! But, lamb sakes, I've gushed enough about myself here without explaining exactly what this blog is for. You see, after the release of my book “Predator Seeking Prey”, our little family started to get a lot of public attention again, and with it came a lot of question from curious mammals and other pred/prey couples from all over Animalia. My best friend and mate Vernon thought it would be a good idea to deal with these questions directly by opening a sort of blog/forum and taking those questions about our lives directly. Since then, I'd like to say our little blog has been quite successful, with even members of our family and friend circle pitching in and taking a few questions as well. So with all that said., please feel free to Ask Away!

Oh, and also, feel free to check our old location for previous asks until we can get a better archive system in place!

The original Ask Dawn And Vern Tumblr! This blog is a continuation/reboot of the "AskDawnAndVern" tumblr, as I am permanently locked out of the Tumblr at present.

(Blog Author Note: This blog is based on the fanfiction “The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether” as well as it's pseudo-sequel “A Lamb Among Wolves”. If you haven't read them, it'll probably help you better understand what's going on here if you do. I'll link both stories below. Oh Also, I'm open to questions as well. Simply direct “Author” emails to “WastedTime” when composing them. And before I forget, I have a Patreon! Five dollars gets you access to in progress fics, Ask priority, and art previews of both SFW and NSFW art. Of course, even a dollar would help. Seriously, it's how I keep projects like this alive.

The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether:

A Lamb Among Wolves:

Wasted Time's Patreon:

And Finally, Please Submit your asks to this email address!
Submit Asks Here!

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Friday, December 10, 2021

Ask the Author; Health Concerns


Wasty: Yes, I'm sorry for the delay with posting, and I hate to admit it but...I'm not in great shape. And to be honest I really hate having to...share that I'm sick so often. I feel like I'm letting folks down, and people will think I'm making excuses after a while, or just get sick of hearing it.  But I have an obligation to tell you guys why work gets embarrassed and ashamed as it makes me feel.

That said, I just got diagnosed with something last week that I found out will affect me for the rest of my life, and is the reason why things have been worse lately. I promise to go into more detail in an update I have planned for this weekend where I can better explain myself.

As such, I won't be doing any drawn ask this I'm struggling to get paid commissions and fic work done in my current state. I'm sorry guys.

Ask Dawn and Vern; Lionheart Biopic


Dawn: It's quite alright...It's not...too troubling to me personally to talk about him. My only concern with a question like this is that discussing it might have Lionheart's lawyers after me.

Vernon: It wouldn't be the first time after all. Dawn did get some legal threats after releasin' her first book from Lionheart's attorney. Granted, they didn't end up goin' anywhere.

Dawn: That's because I had tried my hardest to keep any deep discussions about my time working under him in "Predator Seeking Prey" limited to only the most relevant and traumatic events I personally experienced. As well as keeping any 'personal opinions' I held about him almost entirely out of the novel. But that was still enough to have him clamoring to sue me on the grounds of defamation and slander. So I imagine divulging any sort of...intimate details about his personal for the ones he divulged in his 'audiobook' might have him looking to sue us again.

Vernon: I imagine he's only gotten more desperate since last I wouldn't doubt him pitchin' a fit over this.

Dawn: So for the sake of protecting myself and my family, I will indeed try and limit myself to dry and clinical facts. Basically, you'll be getting a wikipawdia excerpt mixed with portions of his audiobook...with maybe just a tad more ...well I wouldn't want to say 'truth', but the perspective of those around him, particularly those of his public relations manager, as that's where I learned a majority more about Leodore's past. She was a really sweet, older warthog who...honestly put up with a lot. I can't blame her for walking out just a few months after Leodore was elected. *Chuckles weakly* Even if it added 'defacto PR manager' top my own growing list of responsibilities. She just had reached her limit in terms of...counseling him.

Vernon: So we're goin' with the whole 'these were 'her' words' defense?"

Dawn: *Giggling* Oh stop it Puppy. As I said I'm going to keep this as professional as possible. I don't plan on throwing anyone under the bus.

*Ahem* So, the Lionhearts are a rather prestigious family in Zootopia. The reason should be obvious, at least if you live in Zootopia and parts of the NMU. But for those outside of the west, and western Roarope, their prestige is due to them being directly related to King Richard Lionheart, the one and the same who would discover and found Zootopia along with several other Roaropean nations. The mammal is a legend, and thus the name Lionheart carries that legendary status in a similar fashion to those who bear the name Blackwool or Duclaw. The Lionheart family in Zootopia has maintained a political presence throughout Zootopia's history, and as such has always remained a rather wealthy and important family in the eyes of the public. If I'm not mistaken there were at least four other Lionhearts who held the title of Zootopia's Mayor since the position was established, with Leodore being the fifth. That said, I can imagine that like with my family...there was a lot of...pressure to live up to the family name. From what I am to understand, Leodore was basically being shaped from birth to be a politician. His youth was spent in Zootopia's most prestigious private schools, and he took on a great number of extracurricular activities to bolster his records for his eventual enrollment in college, specifically the ivy league institution "St. Richard the Lionhearted's".

Vernon: I can imagine where that went...I'm purty sure neither of our families got a college named after one of our ancestors after all. *Chuckles* At least, not in North Mammalia.

Dawn: Indeed. There was pretty much no way he wasn't going to end up a politician. Even without all the effort on his part, his family had enough contacts and connections thanks to their namesake to ensure a robust political career for Leodore. Of course, whether that's what he actually wanted to do with his life...well, I can't say. I honestly don't know...and his audiobook didn't make it any easier to discern.

Vernon: Somehow havin' a transcript made most of it harder to understand than just the audio alone.

Dawn: *Giggles* Vernon, shush...Remember, 'clinical and professional'.

Vernon: Right, right...

Dawn: Leodore has never been married, and as far as anyone knows he doesn't have any cubs. In terms of running for a political office, it's kind of unusual to see a single mammal run for office. The public generally likes a family mammal. But Leodore's PR manager was willing to take the risk and break the mold by pushing the image of Leodore as the 'charismatic charming bachelor' that any female had a chance of being fortunate enough to snare as a mate. She even made sure to keep things muddy as to Leodore's species preference in order to draw the widest appeal. It was a risky maneuver, but it ended up paying dividends in terms of his election as there was a disconcerting amount of female mammals of all stripes admitting voting for him because he was "handsome".

Vernon: Yeesh...that's a frightnin' thought there...

Dawn: As for how he got out of jail, well...I mean his sentence was already quite soft. I believe it was something close to a four-year maximum with the possibility of monitored parole after two years. However after...well...after I was exposed and tried for my crimes, which was also admittedly a soft sentence all things considered, Leodore's sentence was reduced to a year in prison before being paroled, although be would still be monitored for two years afterward. So basically, to answer your question, he served his time and was released accordingly. And with that, I think that's all I can and should say about Leodore's personal history. If you want to know more listening to his audiobook.

Vernon: He's also got a public email out there on the homepage fer his y'all could probably ask him directly. That is iffin' he'd even answer it...and if he did, well...yer probably gonna get somethin' less concise, and less truthful fer that matter...

Dawn: Ugh...that's definitely going to get us a 'strong legal warning' Puppy...even if you're right.

Ask Dawn and Vern; Zootopia Schooldays


Dawn: In Zootopia it's pretty much a standard regardless of what district you are in that pre-high schoolers go to school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Whereas lambs in high school attend classes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. The reason for the gap is that education experts believe that more than two days back to back of regimented study hurts learning retention.

Vernon: 'Sides, they're still pups. Ain't no reason to load 'em up with a fully simulated adult work schedule. Y'all only get one puphood after all, and most mammals agree it's more healthy fer a Pup's development to get a good amount o' time with family, playin' with friends, 'er learnin' independently.

Dawn: Well I mean that togetherness with family is ingrained in all species. Whether it's a pack, or a herd, thanks to the way we've evolved, having that sense of togetherness is important for good mental health, at least when it comes to developing lambs.

Ask the Author; The Cold War


Wasty: The cold war in Animalia I imagine was sort of a slower burn than in our universe. Without the events of WWII there wasn't as big a rush to create the atomic bomb (it was probably largely pursued for atomic energy purposes rather than war purposes), but it would still be created. More slowly of course, but it would still come into existence in the late fifties or early sixties. However, that slow creation gave the Grussians more opportunities to spy on the program, and learn of its possible use for warfare purposes. This would cause a feedback loop, where the North mammalians would hear that the Grrussians were trying to make a bomb, and so they would need on in order to defend against them, which would then galvanize the Grussians to continue spying so that North Mammalia would not beat them to the punch and bomb them into oblivion.

The amount of spying over the years leading up to the bomb's creation, coupled with Grussia's own bomb announcement kicked anti-communist sentiment in North Mammalia into high gear. And as it would turn out, those fears wouldn't be entirely unfounded due to the number of communist spies and infiltrators that would be exposed during Canidy's'government cleanup, though it would be Canidy's cool head that would prevent North Mammalia from going into full-on armed conflict with Grussia, most notably during the Mewban missile crisis.

Events would largely play out the same going forward, including the Saviniet Union's ultimate collapse, which would leave a rather large chip on Grussia and Sibearia's shoulder towards the NMU despite their move toward democracy. Panda would share a similar sentiment, but with the slow push toward balkanization...or rather 'balcaninization', (God these puns are killing me...) the various groups setting themselves up to be the new governments in said future nations have mixed relationships with the west, the more democratic supporting nations being more open to working with them, and the communist hold outs maintaining that dislike of the west.

Ask the Author; Animalia's Democracies


Wasty: Well North Mammalia and Zootopia are. Obviously, there are some 'restrictions' across the board regarding corporations and businesses that in our universe would probably be called 'anti-democratic' (by said businesses), but Zootopia, and North Mammalia have a sort of...'the more wealthy you are, or the more power you have, the more restrictions should be placed on you' policy, in order to keep from the powerful individuals stifling the voices of the small. Obviously, the NMU and Zootopia's laws are sort of United States coded. Freedom of speech, right to bear arms, (although restricted in cities), etcetera. This would obviously extend to Canidea and Mexicat to some degree, as they are united with North Mammalia in the same way the EU is in our universe, Hence the "North Mammalian Union". 

As for the rest on Animalia, I haven't given them nearly as much thought. Roarope is largely democratic, but thanks to the laws regarding rodents differing from country to country, among other species rights issues, Roarope still hasn't been able to unite in an EU fashion. Grussia still turned communist, rose, and fell within the same timeline. Communist Panda managed to hold together a bit longer, but it seems in the cards that the nation will ultimately break apart within the next five years or so. In terms of dictatorships and third world conditions, I see a majority of those being in central Afrikat, which suffered significantly after the collapse of the Pridelands empire. With South Afrikat standing as a beacon of modernity and democracy on its southern tip, and Egyip and the Saharalands standing as its equal on the Northern side.

Austailia is also largely democratic, with heavy Kittish influences in its rule of law and culture despite it being mostly run by native Austailians. And as for South Mammalia, the governments are sort of all over the place. Same for some of the South Ursan countries, with Bindia and South Purrea being powerhouses in the region.

Eventually, I'm going to draw up a nice map to kinda...give everyone an idea of the world of Animalia at large. I just keep forgetting to actually sit down and do it.

Ask the Author; "Impossible" Burg?

Wasty: I imagine in Zootopia, an 'impossible burger' would not be the first or last attempt at something like this. Alternative forms of non-meat-based protein were probably being worked on and produced since the seventies. In the case of the 'impossible burger', I don't see it making prey any less uncomfortable with fish or bug consumption than they previously were. If anything it offers omnivores a chance to go strictly vegetarian (as you pointed out) which some may prefer, and allows prey who are curious about the flavor of bug or fish a chance to try it without the risk of stomach upset.

In terms of animal activism in Zootopia, there are very small groups that are against the public consumption of fish, and even less so with regards to bugs. Fish don't feel pain, and most of the public do not see fish or bugs as really having complex feelings or emotions unlike what we as humans struggle with in regards to pigs, cows, and chickens. Thus I feel the 'impossible burger' and other 'impossible foods' would become part of the diet of mammals in Zootopia more quietly than the big 'fanfare' that the impossible foods are getting in our universe. It simply wouldn't be as groundbreaking for a world that never really saw a problem with fish and bugs being eaten.

Of course, change that Zootopian 'Impossible Burger' to a chicken-flavored substitute, or go a step further and make the impossible burger come in flavors akin to the prey of the city, and there would definitely be a mass outcry. Granted that seems more like something you'd see in Beastars rather than Zootopia. 

Ask the Ruminerds; JOJO!

Vernon: I don't think any mammal could be more hyped fer Jojo than Joel, I mean granted we're all lookin' forward to it, but Joel's probably stayed more die-hard than the rest of us in terms o' keepin' up with the series.

Gus: He read the Animanga's, you and me only ever watched the animalme with Joel.

Joel: And you guys didn't even watch the '93 OVA. Pft, and you call yourself true fans...

Vernon: Didn't y'all tell us it was bad?

Joel: It's also a right of passage!

Megumi: Eh, it's fun to play drinking games while watching. *Giggles*

Joel: I gotta say though, I mean, Arakau has never let us down in terms of Jojo content. So I can't be anything other than hyped for the news!

Megumi: I'm looking forward to the Animanga with Hol Horse. He was a favorite villian of to Leo of course...*Sighs amorously* He's so...uh...what do you Animangilish natives say? Dreamy?

Joel: Considering how you fawn over Leo pretty consistently...I'd say Dreamy is apt.

Megumi: *Giggles* he really is the perfect handsome lion vampire husband...

Vernon: He's also a psychotic murderer without any sense o' morals or ethics...

Megumi: No relationship is without its hurdles Vernon-san, certainly you know that all things considered. Even so, he's not my top Animalme husband. He's number seven on my top ten list.

Gus: You okay with her lusting over fictional characters like that Joel? It doesn't concern you?

Megumi: Joel-san has no room to complain considering he fawns just as heavily over his Yukair-chan. *Laughs*

Joel: Yeah, we have an agreement that, should either character become real somehow, we're allowed a freebie. One night with no strings attached.

Gus: Yeah, good luck with that one...

Vernon: offense...but that seems flat out impossible.

Megumi: Mammals can dream can't they?


Wasty: I've really enjoyed what I've seen from Jojo, but I kinda stalled midway through Stardust Crusaders due to...well...everything. Working on art, fics, and my health, I just could never find the time...and when I did there were other things I wanted to do. So with that in mind, any real opinions on the show and manga can only really come from the first two and a half seasons. That said, so far my favorite of the series has been "Battle Tendency". Based on Stardust, and snippets of what I've seen later, it seems like it becomes a completely different show altogether. Not that it's a bad thing of course.

So with all that said, I'm looking forward to the new stuff, if I can ever find the time to actually sit down and start marathoning all of the episodes I still have ahead of me.