Ask the BellHunters

Hello, I'm Dawn, formerly Dawn Bellwether if you didn't recognize the added surname. And before you ask, yes 'that' Dawn Bellwether. Ex-Assistant Mayor, Ex-Mayor, Ex-Criminal Mastermind (Reformed thank you very much), City Savior, Controversial Author, and Predator/Prey relationship advocate. I'm also, as you probably guess by the hyphenated last name, married, and happily so to my mate Vernon Hunter, a gray wolf. I'm also a mother to three wonderful pups, something I never thought I'd ever have the chance to be! But, lamb sakes, I've gushed enough about myself here without explaining exactly what this blog is for. You see, after the release of my book “Predator Seeking Prey”, our little family started to get a lot of public attention again, and with it came a lot of question from curious mammals and other pred/prey couples from all over Animalia. My best friend and mate Vernon thought it would be a good idea to deal with these questions directly by opening a sort of blog/forum and taking those questions about our lives directly. Since then, I'd like to say our little blog has been quite successful, with even members of our family and friend circle pitching in and taking a few questions as well. So with all that said., please feel free to Ask Away!

Oh, and also, feel free to check our old location for previous asks until we can get a better archive system in place!

The original Ask Dawn And Vern Tumblr! This blog is a continuation/reboot of the "AskDawnAndVern" tumblr, as I am permanently locked out of the Tumblr at present.

(Blog Author Note: This blog is based on the fanfiction “The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether” as well as it's pseudo-sequel “A Lamb Among Wolves”. If you haven't read them, it'll probably help you better understand what's going on here if you do. I'll link both stories below. Oh Also, I'm open to questions as well. Simply direct “Author” emails to “WastedTime” when composing them. And before I forget, I have a Patreon! Five dollars gets you access to in progress fics, Ask priority, and art previews of both SFW and NSFW art. Of course, even a dollar would help. Seriously, it's how I keep projects like this alive.

The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether:

A Lamb Among Wolves:

Wasted Time's Patreon:

And Finally, Please Submit your asks to this email address!
Submit Asks Here!

If the link doesn't work for you, send those emails to ""

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Ask Special; It's Enough Part 1/2


It's practically the next day, but here it is. I bring you a short little comic idea I had as a surprise special...something too short for a fic, but too nice an idea not to use somehow. So please enjoy this two-part ask special, "It's Enough", Featuring Ada and Yuri.


Monday, May 29, 2023

Writing Progress and Asks

 Hey, just a really bite-sized update. Working on a little 2 part ask special that I'll try to get up tonight or tomorrow. As for 'The Family Vulpes', the new chapter was sent in for editing last week, and sometime next week I'll start on the next one even if the previous one is still being edited. It's a good way to try and keep fic stuff rolling consistently.

Patreon's got more updates coming tonight, some sketches, and a colored piece. So keep your eyes peeled!


FOUND AU ask; Parental Bond


Vanna: It felt...honestly, it's beyond words how it made me feel. I feel like maybe Dawn would be able to put it into words better than someone like me, being a writer and all. *Blushes* But it was made my heart skip a beat. It was so hard to keep from crying I was so moved...but I was also afraid I might scare him if I started sobbing...*Vanna wipes a stray tear from her eye.* I mean, I knew if I fully let go it wasn't going to be pretty.

Zach: What d'ya mean?

Vanna: Well...*averts gaze and blushes deeper* You know how I get when one of those rare instances where I sob uncontrollably...*Rubs the back of her neck uncomfortably.* Remember how I barely got through our vows?

Zach: Oh...y'all mean you were afraid of goin' full-on ugly cry?

Vanna: *Winces* I mean...maybe I wouldn't use...*sighs* Yes, ugly cry...

Zach: Hey Kitten, ain't like I wasn't caught up in a visceral ugly cry of my own at our tithe...*chuckles* we all get 'em.

Vanna: I-I know, but me doing that in front of Marcus...surely would have scared him...both out of fear of hurting me...and looking like I'm mid-snarl and making guttural choking sobs every time I tried to speak.

Zach: That's fair I suppose...we were both walkin' on eggshells back then...though we still are these days, just less of 'em. *chuckles* As bein' jealous...well...I'd be lyin' if I said I wasn't a...just a little bit...

Vanna: Goofball, not only did you run out the next day to buy a small fortunes worth of new baseball gear, but you then hopped at the chance to take over as the little league coach...Not to mention that one time Marcus fell asleep leaning on me, and you tried to separate us with a spatula and lean him on your shoulder instead.

Zach: *Now flustered* OKAY! Okay! I was real jealous! Alright...*Whines* I'm sorry, I just...I got self-conscious and...I thought it meant he liked you more than me...'er he was afraid of me 'er somethin'! Granted at the time I hadn't really considered...that might be cause of his trauma with his...blood Pa...

Vanna: I' might have played a part I guess...It is, hard to see it from Marcus' perspective if that was the case. I mean, Zach and I have been together for quite some time now, and I know that my Goofball is one of the sweetest softest wolf's out there. It's all I see him as.

Zach: *Blushes, but clears his throat* W-well I ain't that soft...on the job at least...

Vanna: *Giggles* Still, I have the benefit of being a full-grown tigress who grew up in a very loving family. But I knew Marcus would eventually see Zach for the mammal he is, and would take to him just as much as he took to me, regardless of whether my little doof of a mate tried to score extra points by dumping a deluge of gifts on him.

Zach: *Laughs* I was out of ideas! I couldn't love the boy any harder than I already was! I needed extra ammo!

Vanna: *Shakes head* You were worried for nothing...Marcus loves you to death. He loves us both.

Zach: *Smirks* I'd die fer that pup, without hesitation. *hugs Vanna's side*

Vanna: *Sighs warmly, wrapping an arm around her mate* I think that says enough about the current state of our parental bond with Marcus. It's growing stronger every day...*pats stomach gingerly* Though I do worry how he's going to adjust when little Rose arrives...

Zach: *Chuckles* Y'all kiddin' me, that boy's gonna be the best big brother ever!

Vanna: I know that Goofball! *Laughs* I just don't want him to feel as though his place in our family is...threatened in some way.

Zach: Well then, we'll just have to love on that boy twice as hard! That boy is a Hunter through and through, ain't no room for argument. I don't care iffin' I gotta buy half a toy store to prove it to him!

Vanna: *Chortles* Zach, please! Our bank account can't handle that!

FOUND AU ask; The Corn Maze Debacle


Zach: I think it speaks fer itself that I don't exactly like bein' lied to in the first place, 'specially when it comes to my boy. On top o' that, I don't exactly appreciate wastin' police time. *Scoffs* Here I am chasin' an imaginary goose while fer all I know someone's house could be bein' broken into or Oldwyn knows what else?

Vanna: I'm sorry Zach...I didn't really...I mean...

Dorian: Ain't like it was just us monitorin' the calls Zach. The station is always runnin' full shifts leadin' up to Sam Hain. If somethin' more serious had come up on the radio, y'all can guarantee we woulda' diverted to workin' that job. *Chuckles* And as for the Corn Maze thang, wasn't my idea...but I don't tend to win arguments with yer Ma, whether I'm in the right 'er not...

Audrey: The fact that y'all think yer right some of those times is real cute Sweetie...

Dorian: What? I am!

Audrey: Y'all keep tellin' yerself that Darlin'...*Giggles*

Zach: Well all of y'all were wrong with that little stunt ya pulled on Marcus and Aiko. No wonder it blew up in yer faces...

Ada: Aww Comon' Goofball, lighten' up. We was just tryin' to help deez kids along...

Zach: Forcin' 'em more like! And don't call me Goofball! *Zach crosses his arms and pouts*. Y'all are obsessed with forcin' them pups into a romantic relationship...I already told y'all ya just gotta leave that sorta thing alone, and let it happen naturally iffin' it's bound to happen...not that I want it too 'er nothin'...

Ada: And youse wonder whys we had to keeps yous in the dark about dis...*Chuckles* You just don't want yas kid to grows up on yas...

Zach: *Huffs* O'course I don't! We didn't even get to raise Marcus from birth! So much lost time already, and now he's gettin' older and gettin' feelin's fer girls and...*Whines* Look, okay, I know, I know I'm holdin' on to tight, and I'm workin' on it...really...but...can ya fault me for wantin' just a little bit more time to be a Pa to my son a'fore he starts spreadin' his wings and fixin' to leave the nest?

Vanna: Goofball...

Dorian: *Puts a paw on Zach's shoulder* Son, I can't say I fully understand what ya'll are goin' through, since me and Auddey never adopted ourselves...but you know, bein' a Pa doesn't end when yer pups grow up and start a life on their own. Marcus is always gonna want y'all in his life, you have to know that.

Zach: *Whines* I-I know...I just...Raisin' Marcus...things feel like they're just flyin' by sometimes...and I just...I wanna enjoy what little time I have left to really be involved in his life...iffin' that makes sense?

Audrey: Aww...Darlin' I understand...

Zach: So that's why I ain't lookin' to rush thangs...o' course I'd still be hesitant to push Marcus and Aiko together even if I wasn't worried about makin' him grow up too fast...

Vanna: Because you think that's something they should figure out on their own?

Ada: But it's soooo obvious! Dey've been dancin' around dere feelin's fer months now! What's da harm in given' 'em a 'lil push?

Zach: It could ruin their friendship fer one, especially iffin' things don't work out...which more often than not tends to be the case with yer first girlfriend.  *Zach starts counting on his paws.*  Then there's the fact that pressurin' them like that, even if they ain't fully aware of it, could make them even more scared o' makin' that first move. *continues counting* And iffin' they do get together, findin' out you were nudgin' them along might complicate thier feelin's...should I keep goin'?

*The other Hunters look down guilty* 

Zach: I mean, what did y'all actually accomplish with this crazy plan that couldn't have been accomplished by just lettin' 'em go through the maze themselves...chances are their friends woulda went and split them off anyway, 'er they woulda gravitated together cause they have feelin's fer each other... All that trouble and y'all probably woulda just got 'em to the same place fact, it probably woulda went better fer 'em iffin' ya didn't meddle at all...

Qali: *eyes now brimming with tears* O-Oh no! We messed up big time, didn't we!?

Ada: Ehh...I wouldn't go dat far...but it's hard to disagree wit Zach on dis one...what was youse tinkin' Kit Kat!?

Vanna: *Shocked and clearly irritated* M-Me!? You were the ones who dragged me into this little scheme!

Audrey: I'd be lyin' if I said it was a success, that's fer sure...but...I-I still think them two made progress fer the better...

Dorian: Are y'all sayin' that cause you believe it, or cause you were the mastermind behind this little plan Darlin'?

Audrey: *Glares at Dori* Now don't you start!

Dorian: I'm just sayin' maybe if y'all let me be right a little more often, these little plans of yer's wouldn't blow up in yer face so often...*Chuckles*

Audrey: *Huffs and storms off* 

Zach: I think y'all just earned yerself a spot on the sofa tonight fer that one Pa...

Dorian: I count bein' at a loss fer words a win in my book, so I'd say it's worth the cost. *Laughs*

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Ask; School Hours for Pups

 Dawn: That's about right, in terms of hours. Everything before high school is relegated to a roughly five-hour period. With an hour for lunch.

Vernon: In High school, the hours stay the same, but y'all get an added day. So, Monday through Friday, skippin' Wednesday. The added day is largely dedicated to pre-college er' tradin' school classes. Basically, that's the time set aside fer young pups to help 'em figure out what they got an interest in doin' fer a career, and help them get a foothold in that.

Dawn: I'll admit, depending on the family it can be quite stressful to manage your work week around the odd scheduling in terms of hours and days. With Vernon and myself, we're quite blessed that one of us is...well for all intents and purposes, a stay-at-home parent.

Vernon: Dawn gets our Pups up...and me too...*Chuckles* Preps 'em fer school, sees me and the pups off, and is right there waitin' when they get home.

Dawn: While not every parent has that luxury, it's considered the best situation for the healthy development of a lamb, and makes sure they feel loved and connected to their family. And I'm grateful Puppy and I are in a situation where we can do that.

Vernon: O'course it helps that much more I only work in office four days a week. And I'm gonna be whittlin' that down to three soon enough.

Dawn: Oh, are they cutting your hours down?

Vernon: *Chuckles* Naw, there's just less of a need to be in the office these days. The better technology gets, the less time we gotta spend actually chained to a desk.

Dawn: OH wonderful Puppy! The Lambs will be so happy to get even more time with you at home! *Dawn flutters her eyelashes suggestively at the wolf* And so will I for that matter...

Vernon: *Tugs at his collar* Phew...Thank the gods fer the internet!


Wasty: I appreciate the well wishes. Granted this is quite old by well...anyone's standards at this point. I'm currently doing better...certainly getting by at a reasonable pace as of late, though it's been hard to balance all the work on my plate in terms of Asks, Fics, Commissions, Personal Projects, Et Al...As you can tell since I've totally floundered at keeping up that 'weekly' goal. I'll still do my best to try and crank out asks as my side gig, but I'm making a dedicated turn toward putting that energy towards fic writing so I can get on a more reliable schedule with long form stories. We'll see how that plays out I guess with my health...

Thanks for your ask!

FOUND AU ask; Marcus' Guilt


Zach: We'd been toyin' with the idea of settin' the boy up with a therapist fer a while...

Vanna: Pretty early into our adoption it was something that those in charge of handling his case had recommended to us. While Marcus hadn't really...opened up about his trauma by that point, it was very clear to everyone that he had been...*winces* abused...

Zach: And that's before we knew about the scars...

Vanna: But we were concerned that thrusting him into therapy while he was still in such a vulnerable and...well turbulent situation, it might put greater pressure on him.

Zach: We wanted to make him comfortable, and make sure he had...well...that he felt like part of the family. That he knew we weren't gonna let him go, and that'd he'd always have us before we went and broached that subject.

Vanna: When we heard he started opening up to Dawn about his time on the ship, and the guilt he felt...that's when we well...we started discussing with Dawn if she could ask her therapist if he knew of any good child psychologists that could help Marcus.

Zach: Not that we was aimin' to just shove him into therapy er' nothin' then either...we wanted him to come to talk it out with us...and then present it as an option that he could y'know...think over and pursue if he felt he wanted to.

Dawn: Which I think is probably the best way to handle the situation. Although, granted I'm not a therapist myself.

Vernon: Yeah, y'all don't want it to come off like ya don't want to lend an ear, and er' pushin' his problems off on someone else, but ya want them to know they got resources they can make use of if they want 'em...

Dawn: It's a difficult tightrope to walk, in some ways, it's similar to Vernon and myself trying to find a balance between encouraging and fostering Lily's talents and interest in policing while discouraging her from putting herself in danger while she's still so young.

Zach: He has opened up a bit more since the talk y'all had...and we've been sorta...tacklin' things as best we can in little bite-sized chunks...*Chuckles* With lots o' hug therapy fer good measure.

Vanna: Though we suspect he...still is holding on to that guilt despite our reassurance. *Sighs somberly* Which I'm sure will take more time, and a great deal more of reinforcement to help make him see that nothing was his fault.

Dawn: That's how therapy works...among family and friends, or in practice. Dealing with one's trauma isn't something that can be fixed with the snap of one's hooves. It can be quite a long, treacherous road, and it never truly ends, it only gets easier to walk over time.

Vernon: 'Turn that suitcase into a carry-on bag' Right Floofs?

Dawn: *Giggles* You got it Sheepdog.

Vernon: As fer our pups knowin' about the whole was unavoidable.

Dawn: *Sighs* Between a bunch of their classmates having seen it, and it even being assigned watching as part of Alice's homework barring our request to have her excluded, it was a bridge we were going to have to cross. 

Vernon: Basically we all had to have a little sit-down, and discuss what it all was, and what was shown that featured Marcus *winces* ...though we did softball the gritty parts.

Dawn: And we instructed them to keep from discussing it with or in front of Marcus until...well...Zach and Vanna had their own talk with him.

Zach: Which...*Zach rubs the back of his neck in clear discomfort.* we're still figurin' out exactly just how we're gonna tackle that...*whines* It's a difficult conversation...and I don't think we got a lot of time before he stumbles on it through school, er' his friends, er' some other way...

Vanna: We're just scared it could...*Glances down at the ground* It could cause him could undo all the progress and strides he's made thus far...

Dawn: I don't...want to sound insensitive...but...that really comes with the territory when recovering from trauma...Sometimes you slip, and sometimes you stumble. It does happen. Still, I think the best way to minimize how badly that possible backslide will be is if he hears it from...well, both of you...

Zach: I suppose yer least he'll have us to lean on, and to cry too iffin' it comes to that. I just...I wish I could hug that boy till the end of time iffin' it meant takin' away all his pain...I just want to hold him till it all goes away...

Dawn: It will in time Zach, in the meantime, while you can't hug him forever, a steady administration of smaller hugs throughout the day will surely help. *Giggles*

FOUND AU Ask; Swiner 49er!


Vernon: Look, okay...I'm tryin' to make a sorta peace with Lily bein' a natural in term's of takin' to crime solvin' and law stuff. I don't wanna make the same mistakes my Pa made with me, 'er my Grandpaw made with him...

Dawn: But...?

Vernon: *Whines softly* I jus-why does every case she's gotta trip into be some big honkin' conspiracy er' cold case e'r whatever with real, dangerous criminals?  *whimpers* Is it too much to ask she finds someone's lost chameleon er' parrot or somethin'? Somethin' that won't scare me half to death to hear about? Least til she's an adult?

Nick: Something more like a Nancy Ewe book mystery rather than something likean episode of CSI; Maimew Mice?

Vernon: Yes! That, please...At this rate my lil' princess is gonna put me in an early grave with all the heart attacks she's flirtin' with given me...I need a break here!

Dawn: As much as I also don't want to...dampen Lily's enthusiasm, or quash her natural talent. I have to agree with my Puppy on this one...*winces slightly* Our lives can be pretty hectic as is, and it would help if Lily solved a case or two that wasn't groundbreaking from time to time...

Judy: Well, I wouldn't exactly call the 'Swiner 49er' a really 'groundbreaking' case. It was really more of a cute little urban legen-.

Nick: Jealous you didn't solve it when you were a kit huh Carrots?

Judy: *Groans, placing her head in her paws.* YEEEESSSSS...*She hisses*  I honestly didn't think it was real! So I barely ever acknowledged it as a kit! *Shakes head* If I had any inkling the whole thing was an actual crime that was ongoing, you bet I would have been all about solving that as a kit!

Bonnie: To be fair, we assumed just as much.

Stu: Granted, I think that ol' billy wasn't actually playin' the part of the ghost until after me and Bonn had kits of our own...Before that it was just an endurin' myth that had kicked around since the 'Goldrock Den' drainage tunnel eruption in...oh, 1889 I think it was?

Bonnie: 87'.

Stu: Right, anyway folks would swear they saw a ghost skulkin' around in that old house ever since. Supposta' have been one of the miners who got kilt in the disaster floatin' around his old home...It's been around so long most of us adults took to ignorin' it.

Nick: I suppose that's what made it such a viable hideout for those chips, and what made it so easy to scare the occasional nosey pup or kit away from by the ol' mam' when they got too close. The local police wouldn't follow up on anything like that...but by that logic, I suppose it means Lily wasn't in any real danger.

Judy: The suspect wasn't exactly armed bu-.

Vernon: I'm just sayin' I want to be able to take my eyes off my pup fer two seconds and know she's gonna be there when I look back...without havin' to resort to...*Growls* the leash...*Glares in Nick's direction* or a chip...fer that matter...

Nick: *raising his paws defensively.* It was a harmless suggestion, that's all.

Vernon: Eventually my poor pup is gonna wander into something way over her head, and she...could get real hurt...and I- *Whimpers*

Dawn: *Petting Vernon Comfortingly* There, there Wolfy...I know...

Vernon: That's why I want to discourage her from doin' this stuff...but I mean...I don't wanna turn her away from what she wants to do...I just want her to be safe...*Shakes head* Last thing I want is her sniffin' fer another local mystery and stumblin' into a gang's drug peddlin' operation, er' some crazy serial killer's trap basement...*Whines*

Dawn: I know Puppy, I know...*Dawn cooes sweetly* Maybe I can ask Dr. Gnu for advice on how to handle this...I know he's not exactly a child psychologist, but he may have something we can work with...

Vernon: *Nods weakly* T-that sounds good Honey Lamb...T-thanks...

Dawn: *Giggles* Thanks? We're in this together Puppy Love, I'm just as worried as you are! *Dawn pats the wolf gingerly on the knee.* Let's go inside for a little while and you can try and wind down...that's more than enough blog questions for the moment.

Vernon: *Nods* A-Alright...

Dawn: Besides, everyone knows where we stand on the other half of this question. If you guys want to answer, you can...just, wait till we're out of earshot.

*Dawn and Vernon make their way off the porch, and into the burrow, Vernon ducking significantly low to enter the Hopps home before the pair disappear inside.*

Nick: Pretty sure we answered this one too comes up a lot whenever Lily's exploits make the local news.

Judy: Or international news for that matter.

Stu: She's really solvin' cases that big on the regular?

Judy: *Nods* Oh yeah, it actually has the top brass at the ZPD arguing a little bit...they aren't too happy big cases are being solved by a middle's not a great look for us.

Stu: Dang, she sounds like a real prodigy. 

Nick: To a comical degree I'd say. So much so that had I not seen the aftermath of a lot of these, I'd think it was something straight out of a kits series.

Judy: I...hate to say I honestly don't blame Vernon for trying to pull Lily back just a smidge. And considering my upbringing, I think that speaks volumes...

Bonnie: *Grimaces slightly* I know we weren't all that encouraging of your dreams sweetie...and we're still sorry for that...

Judy: And I wasn't even out there stumbling over cold cases and smuggled gold...If my kit was doing that weekly, you bet I'd probably try to distract them with cartoons about princesses and stuff. 

Nick: A little research into Princess Isabelle would have helped ol' Puppy in the long run though...I'm sure that was a very uncomfortable watch once Isabelle was made the sheriff as well as a princess...*Snickers*

Judy: Dawn's told me plenty of times before that when Vernon's worried or nervous, he tends to act before he thinks...She says "His heart's bigger than his head sometimes."

Nick: That's not a stretch, wolves have brains the size of walnuts.

Judy: *Tries to stifle a snicker while scolding the fox* NICK!

Nick: What!? *Laughs. *It's true, I saw a video that proves as much on Zootube...Then again, the host was also trying to sell 'all-natural brain vitality' pellets for a good portion of the video so...y'know, take it with a grain of salt.